Va Cabanyal!
EDUSI Cabanyal, Canyamelar, Head of France
Client: Valencia City Council
Location: The neighborhood of Cabanyal (Valencia)
Date: 2015
Equip: Carmel Gradolí (coordination), Fent Estudi Coop. V. (citizen participation), Inma Giner (psychology, social and community intervention), Bruno Sauer (urban planning, sustainability), Pau Caparrós and Lluís Català (sociology), K-Veloce (I+D+i).
Collaborations: Andrea Ariza (citizen participation), Sergi Tarín (audiovisual).
Youtube: watch some of the interviews
Document: Download the strategy
Va Cabanyal is the name given to the initiative which sees locals from the Cabanyal-Canyamelar-Cap de França neighbourhood participating in the Strategy for Integrated and Sustainable Urban Development (EDUSI for its acronym in Valencian). This strategy paves the way for accessing European funding to support the rehabilitation and promotion of a neighbourhood that has suffered years of aggressive and misguided urban development policies, illustrated by the proposed extension to the Avenida Blasco Ibáñez which would cut the neighbourhood down the middle, resulting in not only physical but also social destruction.
he EDUSI takes as its starting point the unique identity and diversity of the local area – a key element in the integration and empowerment of its inhabitants – and is based on a holistic approach, incorporating social, cultural, environmental and economic factors.