Cheste Decide la Plaza Dr. Cajal
Participatory process
Client: Cheste Town Council
Location: Plaza Doctor Cajal, Cheste
Date: 2020
Acknowledgements: V Urban Planning award for urban planning with a gender perspective
One of the projects voted for by inhabitants in the participatory budget scheme, ChesteDECIDE, is the remodelling of the town square, Plaza Doctor Cajal. To this end, the Town Council launched a citizen participation initiative, so that inhabitants, local associations and technical staff from the council itself could jointly draw up plans for redesigning the square.
The aim is to preserve the history and identity of the space, whilst ensuring it responds to the needs of all those who use it, to create a safe and inclusive environment. The process does not simply seek to identify a majority view, but rather to take into account the diversity of perspectives that exist regarding use of the square, highlighting areas of agreement and disagreement, and giving voice to any matters of dissent or concern among residents.
A video-documentary has been produced as part of this process, entitled “La Plaza de las Chestanas“. This short audiovisual production features extracts taken from interviews with six local residents, who, via their lived experience, knowledge and memories, take us on a personal journey through the history of the square.